As a small business owner, networking on LinkedIn might not be the first thing that springs to mind when you think about developing your digital marketing strategy. However, with a few savvy moves, LinkedIn can prove to be an excellent channel for cultivating serious connections and high value clients for your business.

If you’re a small business owner thinking about investing time in developing your LinkedIn profile and connections, you’re absolutely on the right track. LinkedIn has enjoyed healthy growth over the last year with now over 100 million active users. Cultivating your connections, developing your reputation as an expert in your industry, building brand awareness and extending your social reach through published blogs are just some of the benefits to your business of active and frequent engagement on LinkedIn’s platform.

While LinkedIn’s engagement rates might lag behind other social platforms, there’s no doubt that the quality of your engagements on LinkedIn’s platform provide far superior potential. For the inexperienced LinkedIn member, even 5 mins a day of LinkedIn participation can yield highly beneficial returns. What is often overlooked however, is that the astute business owner can also benefit from investing in LinkedIn, as long as they have a carefully thought out plan.

Start by identifying your primary goals for LinkedIn. It may be that you’d like to identify potential prospects, build brand awareness, or position yourself as an expert – the go-to influencer in your industry. These goals will help prioritise your daily LinkedIn activity focus.

Next, become a Linked in Power User using these 8 simple tips. It’s important to familiarize yourself with LinkedIn’s interface as most people only use a fraction of the functionality available and therefore miss out on countless opportunities to connect with others.

Finally, work on a LinkedIn strategy that focuses on nurturing your connections, building strong relationships, and gradually moving the conversation offline and face-to-face. Try these 19 Tips from Melonie Dodaro that will help you master the art of social selling on LinkedIn.

Infographic: 19 Essential LinkedIn Tips for Every Small Business Owner

Nina Epellé
Nina Epellé
Founder and Principal Consultant, Digital Gold HQ

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